Fitness Workshop Days

Training for your whole body....

What is the  Fitness Workshop  ?

A day to cover all aspects of fitness - for all aspects of your body - giving inspiration and a different fitness experience. Currently this is 1:1

 Fitness Workshop  Day (possible) Itinerary

The Fitness Workshop Day can be a formalised structured session - or it can be more about finding out what you'd like to gain from a day of heath and fitness for mind & body.

We can to a certain extent make it all up as we go along to suit you - getting you fitter, stronger and healthier in an exciting way!  You may tell me what you want beforehand or I will see what works and doesn't work for you as we progress.

Slightly Structured Standard Day

We can start with the following format but it can change depending upon your wishes - we can introduce any of the Options in as you like.

The following times can be plus or minus an hour.


Make Your Own Day!

Chose any of the following Options....

Health & Fitness Assessment = Find out your base line level

Any gains can be easily be monitored – simply seeing how the exercise and lifestyle choice improve your health and fitness in the coming months.

Easy Lifestyle Changes that Can Boost Gains You Get From Exercise

Exercise can account for some changes to your health & fitness but lifestyle can sometimes help as much or even more! We can find a way forward to improve whatever aspect of your lifestyle may help you the most. Nutrition, sleep quality, stress management. Confidence. 

Easy Ways to Bring Exercise into Your Everyday life

give me a body part or health gain that you'd like to improve and I'll show you how you can improve it simply by doing something in your everyday life for as little as a minute or so. No equipment is needed, meaning you can do it every single day.

A Fitness Plan - Exciting and challenging fitness in a maybe alternative or adventurous way!

Together we can develop a fitness plan/programme that will work for you in the coming months. Plans for what to do in your gym, at home using minimal equipment or at home/whilst travelling just using your own body. Let me know how alternative you'd like to go! There's all sorts of stuff to try.

Intense Workout – find out how you can push yourself hard to really get some great gains.

If you really want results quick then this is for you! Easy lifestyle change also goes with this one due to the extra boost that it will give. All natural – all safe! Does require the need to really connect to your body and listen to it!

Improve a particular health condition?

I have a reasonable range of techniques / exercises/ workouts and approaches due to medical background, nursing, Personal Training & GP referral Course. Let me know what you want help with and I'll let you know if  I can help.

Joint Exercises we do together

A bit of lighthearted activity that is fun to do and actually very effective to improve your health & fitness or mindset, to show just how different fitness can be.

Your body, your look – simple and easy ways to look more youthful, strong or change your body shape

I'll find out what you want and show you different ways to achieve this. Then we can develop a programme that can help you continue to improve in the coming months. We'll start of with some easy ways and progress through to an individualised programme as you wish.

Relax and stretch / mindfulness / something different – to improve the gains you get from exercise

Boosts hormones and conditions muscles as well as making you feel invigorated and refreshed. A great one to do at the end of a session.

Alternative Option to Consider: Naturist Fitness Experience

This may be possible, for a limited duration.

Fitness Workshop At Your Venue

A Specialist Trainer


A unique range of training from a specialist personal trainer. (Experienced & qualified gym instructor and Personal trainer, plus a mature trainer understanding the pressures of life! Experienced & Qualified nurse, Medically trained at University,. Much healthcare experience)

How Intense?

This is very individual to you – some parts of the day are intense – but some relaxing and others informative.

What you'll gain from the fitness workshop day

An understanding of how to get the body and health improvements you want - in the most simple and easy way, plus a way that is sustainable!. This knowledge will inspire you to incorporate some elements of the day, into your future everyday life - to give you a fitness plan for the future.

Or it may be that you just want to enjoy a different fitness experience where your whole body and mind is looked after and improved.

Either way you can get it from the fitness workshop day.

1:1 Fitness Workshop

 Fitness Workshop  Day