Erection Training is my specialist subject. I'm trained in physiology at University - experienced in Cardiology - and what does a good erection need - plenty of blood!
How to get stronger erections with specially devised targeted exercise to strengthen the parts of your body (and mind) that contribute to the erection process.
Specialist Personal Training for all men of any age, fitness level and any current erection level
You may:
...either way at least one training that can help you and in the process your whole body will be fitter and healthier.
Learn how to get stronger erections by improving:
We will find out which aspects will help you the most
Warning - the following video includes nudity and an erection so please close this page now if you do not want to know how to improve your erection quality
A longer term health & fitness goal.
Just as you may workout to get your arm stronger - we can workout to get your erection stronger. It is more complex, but with specially devised and targeted exercise, combined with erection boosting lifestyle change - well over 90% of men can strengthen their erection.
This session will establish what will help you the most and give you a daily training regime to boost your erection quality.
Time spent looking after your penis will pay you back many times over - not only by improving your sex life but also improving your overall health and well being.
The Training PrinciplesThere are many different aspects to the training: blood flow, strengthening muscles that help build
pressure of blood in penis, boost control of muscles around genitals, as
well as improve overall fitness and happiness. What aspects of the training programme will work for you we will find
out. If not one thing stands out, as can happen with a gradual
deterioration due to age, then we will do a bit of everything! One thing
is for sure - you're whole body will feel better and be stronger. A whole range of whole body exercise depending upon your fitness level. These boost blood flow and testosterone. This session will be very informative - I'll show you how you can get stronger erections using the power of your body, focussing upon what your body needs but also aims to be
enjoyable. Discovering
certain muscles and learning to control them can start to give rise to
or allow rediscovery of a whole new range of sensations. This allows for
a greater connection and focus, which also leads to relaxation and time
for you to de stress and enjoy improving the fitness of your body. Strengthening Muscles Around Your PenisWe have muscles attached to our penis and just like all muscles - after
the age of 30 they start to lose strength. This training will
show you how to get control of these muscles and during your session
we'll strengthen them with various exercises and techniques. You'll
also learn how you can get stronger erections by doing them during your normal day - which can make
you feel really good. This on it's own can help you manage stress or
simply just really appreciate your body on another level - in all
sorts of situations. Improving Your FitnessOur penis needs support from our whole body to get erect - good blood
flow and hormone profile can be improved in many ways. We can try a whole range of exercise and see what will push you to your
limits! This way you'll really get some quick results. With different exercise you'll really be
to improve your whole body fitness, through different and wacky
bodyweight exercise, Roman style exercises we do together or even wrestling. Plus there is always the conventional weight training if you'd prefer, but this is geared to improving sexual function more than vanity. Boosting Testosterone (naturally)Many ways we do this - some really easy to do and very effective. This will also make you feel great. Hormones, confidence, health and erections are all linked so you'll get some great benefits. Some ways to boost testosterone levels include exercise, but there are others that involve no exercise and can be very relaxing such as mindfulness body scan with particular emphasis upon your testicles and testosterone production. Managing Stress & Anxiety, Inducing ContentmentThis may or may not be an aspect of training that you choose. The importance of being happy and content for erection quality can never be underestimated, as this affects our nervous system. When we are relaxed and happy our parasympathetic nervous system is dominant and an erection is likely. If we are anxious our sympathetic nervous system takes over and an erection is the least of your body's priorities - it is preparing for survival not sex! There are so many ways we can encourage happiness and contentment from within you. Even training naked has been shown to help reduce anxiety and boost confidence, plus exercise is proven to be really effective, as is mindfulness. This training with a focus upon your penis, combined with exercise, mindfulness and being naked can be great for reducing stress and making you feel happy. PsychologicalThere is a psychological aspect to the erection process - more so as
we get older and our physical body and hormones may be more affected by
anxiety and stress - which really are the enemy of erections. When
even slightly anxious our body prepares for survival and not for
reproducing, so an erection becomes more unlikely the more stressed we
become, Any anxiety about your erection will definitely not help so all
you need do is start looking forward to improving learning how to get stronger your erections with a
fun training session that will have an element of relaxation, stress
control or simply developing a greater connection to your sexual organs
and all the muscles that control them. Mind/Body - Mind/Penis connectionWith all sorts of entertainment and distractions, at our finger tips 24 hours a day, we risk losing ability to 'tune in' to our penis - which is such a powerful thing all males need! Knowledge is Powerful Inspiration Enjoyable, Informative and Motivational Session There's a lot to look forward too! |
Learn how to get stronger erections...![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Erection Quality & Erectile Dysfunction Loss of Erection Quality is a decline in hardness, duration and frequency, with no affect on sexual activity Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get an erection sufficient for sexual activity
Learning how to get stronger erections is all about training your whole body and mind - to give you stronger erections in the future. Erections are not needed for any part of this training, however they can happen.
As above explains - happiness is so important for our erection quality. Whilst this personal training is all about training you how to get stronger erections getting, part of this process includes happiness - being an exciting and different way to train and get your whole body fit, but also knowing that you can improve your erection.
Whilst you are learning how to get stronger erections we will be improving your whole body which gives you a great feeling. This exciting training reverses any negative thoughts associated with a decline in erection quality and instead gives hope and happiness that you are learning how to get stronger erections with a daily training plan which in time will allow you see some real improvements in your erection strength.
An assessment in your first session will help us find the best training methods for you. Sometimes results can be seen in a few weeks, sometimes it can take a little time. Either way I'll ensure you stay motivated and you are pushed as much as possible, or relaxed as much as possible depending upon whether your erection quality may be related to physical health or psychological in nature.
Whichever the cause this personal training gives the chance to get to know you and what will really help you the most.