Alternative: Personal 1:1 Erection Training  

champagne bottle in place of mans erection, fizzing
man in field with trousers down but text overlay to cover penis


Coaching for how you feel as a man, maybe it all starts and possibly ends with your penis.. or does it? Have you ever really been totally uninhibited and proud of your Male Identity?

erection is visible under clothes due to transparency

Overcome ED or See How Hard you can be.

Coaching in physical and psychological to overcome a whole range of erection issues – drawing upon my medical background as required – with a hint of something else, as you may require for greater fulfilment.

naked man with an expression, as text and shaded area cover his erection, it's shadow still visible

Hi, I'm Coach Harper, here to personally train you to Gain Control over your penis tumescence for fulfilment, to enrich your life with new found Penis Attitude and HARDer future erections. If you would like to know more please just contact me or visit my new Erection Training website that is replacing this site. 

The details on the page below are no longer available

 I now specialise in Erection Training Only and if you're interested would be glad to tell you more about is.

Improve Posture - A Powerful Fitness Intervention

male coach logo in style of vitruvian man

Contact me to improve your posture and gain so much more than you realised possible. This is a powerful mind & body fitness intervention.

Improving our posture is far simpler and initially gives far better results than anything we can do in the gym. All it takes is an idea of how you should be holding yourself. This can be gained from looking at your reflection in the mirror as you walk past or by mindfulness. Often our mind remembers exactly where every body part should be. But instructing our mind to do this is okay when we think of it - the long term effective way to improve your posture is to gain a reset for your default posture. 

This is very individual - but there are a few ways to suit different people. Please feel fee to ask me how I can help you.

Mindfulness is one way To Improve Posture

Try it for yourself this really works for me and I hope it will for you

Simply stand up with your feet firmly planted to the floor. Close your eyes and focus upon how your weight passes through your body and into your feet. Notice if the weight is spread throughout your whole foot or is it just the heel or the toes? Also notice where every limb and body part is – how is everything hanging? As you begin to become aware of your body parts, you may find that you naturally, without thinking begin to alter your posture - and before you know it you're standing tall and differently.

Here are just a few questions to consider when you are standing with your eyes closed:

Is your weight spread evenly throughout your feet?

Are your hips rotated too far forward or back?

Is your pelvic floor relaxed?

Do you have a neutral (natural curve to your) spine?

Are your hands at your side or slightly forward?

Where are your shoulders?

Is your head forward, back or upright?

...Now this is where it gets interesting as you start to become aware of your body at a deeper level.

....How far do you want to go? Please feel free to ask me where I can take you with this.

Improve Posture?

Need a Real Quick Fix

Using this mindfulness technique is a longer term method to improve posture. If you need a real quick short term fix that does not need lots of mental or physical effort - there is another way:

Posture Exercises

Contact me to...

Improve your Posture for your longevity (quality of Life), Virility or Vanity. It all starts with a simple reset and leads to improved health, body movement and mindset. A powerful fitness intervention.