Alternative: Personal 1:1 Erection Training  

champagne bottle in place of mans erection, fizzing
man in field with trousers down but text overlay to cover penis


Coaching for how you feel as a man, maybe it all starts and possibly ends with your penis.. or does it? Have you ever really been totally uninhibited and proud of your Male Identity?

erection is visible under clothes due to transparency

Overcome ED or See How Hard you can be.

Coaching in physical and psychological to overcome a whole range of erection issues – drawing upon my medical background as required – with a hint of something else, as you may require for greater fulfilment.

naked man with an expression, as text and shaded area cover his erection, it's shadow still visible

Hi, I'm Coach Harper, here to personally train you to Gain Control over your penis tumescence for fulfilment, to enrich your life with new found Penis Attitude and HARDer future erections. If you would like to know more please just contact me or visit my new Erection Training website that is replacing this site. 

The details on the page below are no longer available

 I now specialise in Erection Training Only and if you're interested would be glad to tell you more about is.

Improve Your Erection with exercise

male coach logo in style of vitruvian man

A nice Penis Exercise for you - do it every day and you should begin to notice a difference - if not contact me for help if you want...

The Penis exercise to improve your erection:

How to:

1. When Going to the Loo
When you are (details now covered in 1:1 Virility Coaching)

2. Feel Your Anus Contract

Placing a fingertip on (details now covered in 1:1 Virility Coaching)

3. Feeling The Contraction in Your Perineum
....on your perineum (area between scrotum and anus) as you do the penis exercise (details now covered in 1:1 Virility Coaching) - experiment and see what works for you!

If you can't do any of the above... Then the following exercise will not work for you yet. Keep practising with the Penis Exercise 1 and very soon the contraction will become stronger so that you can feel it.  

Exercise To Improve Your Erection

... your thighs and buttocks are relaxed. Don't hold your breath – just breathe normally. If you feel an ache then stop. Ensure you do not put too much pressure (details now covered in 1:1 Virility Coaching

Erection Help, Support & Strengthening in any Personal Training Session.

Some things can be difficult to learn from an online guide - you just need to be shown some different techniques, on an individual basis, to gain more control.

Plus what works for one may not for another. A specialist personal coaching session with me can help you find out what will work for you, and show you how to easily master some effective techniques to strengthen your erection.

male coach logo in style of vitruvian man

1:1 Virility Coaching

1:1 Video Call

or perhaps a face to face session?