Alternative: Personal Training - I'll Make Your Penis HARDer 

 I now specialise in Erection Training Only and if you're interested I'd be glad to tell you more about it.

champagne bottle in place of mans erection, fizzing

Virility - Coaching

See How Hard you can be be. Coaching in physical and the psychological with a few extra tricks.

face pic of erection coach smiling

Hi, I'm here to personally train you to Gain more Erection Control. If you'd like to know more just contact me or visit my new Erection Training website 

Details on the page below - no longer available

Make Your Erection Harder with the Virility Workout


In the Virility workout we train every body system that inputs into the erection process, testosterone levels, libido, and that 'Male' feeling. What all this means is very individual - thus the Virility Workout is 100% individual depending upon what aspect you want to improve.

Shallow or deep, Mind or Body?

Once we've established what you want to improve, then we  can work out how you'll get your improvement. This can be your mind or body - or 'You" in general. The techniques and exercises may include your penis, your testicles, your body or just your mind. Or perhaps the real depths of you - wherever that takes us.  You may want to explore your virility at one level, with a straight forward physical exercise. An example of this is below. Think of this as step 3. 

The question will then be do you need to or indeed want to take it to step 103? You may not need to, it depends upon what you want to gain, but this may start to give you an idea of the possible depths of the Virility Workout .

Step 3

A very basic Penis Exercise

Doing this basic penis exercise will make your erection muscle stronger.

Your Erection Muscle's sole job is to push more blood into penis

This extra blood makes it more rigid

You can do this penis exercise with a soft penis

it will make your erections HARDer in the future

1. When Going to the Loo

When you are urinating, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles. You should be able to slow down or stop the stream momentarily.

2. Feel Your Anus Contract

Placing a fingertip on your anus - you should feel it close up really tight, and maybe slightly elevate. Then when you relax the contraction - you should also feel your anus relax.

3. Feeling The Contraction in Your Perineum

Place your fingertips on your perineum (area between scrotum and anus) as you do the penis exercise (the same movement as if to stop or slow down the stream of urine and stopping gas as you also pull up). You may feel the contraction anywhere from your anus to your scrotum, move your fingers around this whole area to detect a movement.

Different positions accentuate the movement. You may be more liable to feel something when you are totally relaxed and your knees close to your chest. Try different positions: standing, sitting, lying, squatting or when doing the abs exercises such as reverse curl. Also try sticking your bum out, pulling it in - experiment and see what works for you!

If you can't do any of the above...

Then the following exercise will not work for you yet. Keep practising with the Penis Exercise 1 and very soon the contraction will become stronger so that you can feel it. 

Penis Exercise 2 to Really Make Your Erection Harder!

Once you are sure you're exercising the correct muscles and have been carrying out Penis Exercise 1, this exercise will add to the intensity to really make your erection harder.


  1. Relax the rest of your body and just contract the muscles as in penis exercise 1 (perineum/pelvic floor muscles) – make sure your thighs and buttocks are relaxed.
  2. Don't hold your breath – just breathe normally.
  3. If you feel an ache then stop. Don't put too much pressure on your perineum - the aim is to just get feedback by feeling the muscle contraction. 
  1. Adopt a sitting position
  2. Curl your fingers up
  3. Position your curled up hand on the chair, raise your body up slightly, so that you can slide your hand in to touch your perineum (the area between anus and scrotum).
  4. Your finger tips or top knuckle joint should be located just under your scrotum.Your middle knuckle joint near to your anus.
  5. You will almost be sitting on your curled up hand.
  6. Sit up straight and you should feel your hips tip forward, which will push your perineum into your fingers even more.
  7. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles. You should feel this muscle contract under your fingers. If you don't just position your fingers differently, or try putting your hand further under your body, closer to your anus. Also try: tipping your hips forward more whilst further straightening your back, or reducing the pressure by relaxing your hips and back.
  8. Position your hand so that as you squeeze hard you can feel the movement as much as possible. If you can't feel it straight away just check you are using the correct muscle. If you are: keep practising and you should soon feel something.
  9. Ensure you do not put too much pressure on your perineum - the aim is to just get feedback by feeling the muscle contraction. Relax your entire body and squeeze your pelvic floor muscles as hard as you can. 
  10. Relax momentarily and then squeeze even harder - hold for a few seconds and release. 
  11. Repeat this 5-10 times or whatever feels right for you. Imagining your upper body rocking backwards as you squeeze really hard and forwards on the relaxation phase will help focus the intensity.

Then relax for a period of time and when ready:

  1. Repeat exactly as above but don't hold the contraction - instead just squeeze as hard as you can and immediately release.
  2. Do this very quickly so that you are almost pulsing your pelvic floor muscle.
  3. Continue for as long as you can. Initially aim for 10 seconds and gradually increase up to 1 minute over the coming months/years.

The muscles that we are exercising in all the penis exercises are commonly referred to pelvic floor muscles.

The harder you squeeze you the harder you make your erection!

If you ever need any motivation to squeeze those muscles even harder or longer - just think about how it will make your erection harder.

Improving Blood flow to the genital region.

When you exercise these specific muscle as in the penis exercises (aka pelvic floor muscles) they also increase blood flow to the whole genital region, improving the circulation and bringing other long term benefits for the penis. 

Step 103

This will involve your mind, body and something else that is innate within you. You may already be aware of it all - but can you play it just like a musical instrument?