Alternative: Personal 1:1 Erection Training  

champagne bottle in place of mans erection, fizzing
man in field with trousers down but text overlay to cover penis


Coaching for how you feel as a man, maybe it all starts and possibly ends with your penis.. or does it? Have you ever really been totally uninhibited and proud of your Male Identity?

erection is visible under clothes due to transparency

Overcome ED or See How Hard you can be.

Coaching in physical and psychological to overcome a whole range of erection issues – drawing upon my medical background as required – with a hint of something else, as you may require for greater fulfilment.

naked man with an expression, as text and shaded area cover his erection, it's shadow still visible

Hi, I'm Coach Harper, here to personally train you to Gain Control over your penis tumescence for fulfilment, to enrich your life with new found Penis Attitude and HARDer future erections. If you would like to know more please just contact me or visit my new Erection Training website that is replacing this site. 

The details on the page below are no longer available

 I now specialise in Erection Training Only and if you're interested would be glad to tell you more about is.

Personal Training
Nude Just Like The Romans


The Naturist fitness Experience - just like the Roman using bodyweight and the sensual you - to get the most from your body and mind.

For Men

The Roman gym involved a whole range of exercises done together to bond and get fit.

Personal Training Nude gives you a great fitness experience - to challenge and excite you.

Raw Training

... just body's

No gadgets just proper training, using just your body - encouraging you to really listen and connect to all parts of your body.

The gym is clear of modern equipment and it is just our body's for an all over body workout similar style to the Romans - encouraging testosterone for some great health & fitness gains. 

With Exercises from Roman Times

Personal Training Nude Roman Style

The Roman gym being for men only involved testosterone boosting exercises and partner exercises to get fit also involving a sensual aspect. With basic equipment and a less formal gymnasium, the Roman exercise regime often included exercises that were carried out using a mind/body connection to enhance the whole experience. This personal training nude  gives you the chance to experience a sensualness with your workout


These are exercises that require - using your body in all sorts of positions either for support or resistance. This means you can get into some fairly different and interesting positions and being naked adds to the whole fitness experience. You will be up close and personal with how your body works and functions - also helping your mind/body connection - an be extremely challenging and are a very effective way of getting fit. 

Nude  Roman Style  Personal Training

Naturist style fitness.  Modern fitness tends to be all about working muscle groups in isolation and through sometimes a limited range of motion due to the gym equipment. However in real life we have to move and lift in all sorts of different ways, using all sorts of muscles groups. If the muscle, joint or ligaments are worked in a different way to the gym - outside their range of motion there is a greater risk of injury or strain..

Body weight exercises involve no equipment and no specified formal movement. Your whole body is safely worked in a way more akin to real life. It can be very challenging but is certainly not boring and will give you some great fitness gains.