Alternative: Personal 1:1 Erection Training  

champagne bottle in place of mans erection, fizzing
man in field with trousers down but text overlay to cover penis


Coaching for how you feel as a man, maybe it all starts and possibly ends with your penis.. or does it? Have you ever really been totally uninhibited and proud of your Male Identity?

erection is visible under clothes due to transparency

Overcome ED or See How Hard you can be.

Coaching in physical and psychological to overcome a whole range of erection issues – drawing upon my medical background as required – with a hint of something else, as you may require for greater fulfilment.

naked man with an expression, as text and shaded area cover his erection, it's shadow still visible

Hi, I'm Coach Harper, here to personally train you to Gain Control over your penis tumescence for fulfilment, to enrich your life with new found Penis Attitude and HARDer future erections. If you would like to know more please just contact me or visit my new Erection Training website that is replacing this site. 

The details on the page below are no longer available

 I now specialise in Erection Training Only and if you're interested would be glad to tell you more about is.

UK Personal Trainer London

male coach logo in style of vitruvian man

This Health & fitness training is different - combining with other aspects you need - health, relaxation, excitement, freedom, virility and mindset - the rewards can be immense.

This training is all about your body & mind connection, it is not about equipment - bodyweight exercise for your whole body, using either just your body or each others for either support or resistance.

Unconventional vs Convention

Naturist Fitness Experience


Coaching for your body & mind in an alternative way

London - Mobile Coaching


Place of Work

Hotel Room

or anywhere else that gives privacy.

Specialist Coaching

Range of Exciting exercises offered by the UK personal trainer. You can try as many as you wish - all can be carried out naked or clothed:

  • Bodyweight exercises - no equipment, you can do anywhere
  • Joint exercises we do together - a fun way to exercise.
  • Plyometric - fast powerful movements that really stress the muscles and make them stronger! and fast!
  • Flexibility - stay injury free and look youthful!
  • Mindfulness - get into the zone!
  • Boxing - in a whole range of positions to target all body - a great workout, releases tension and boosts testosterone!
  • Posture Control/Improvement


  • Virility - look after your maleness
  • Longevity - health or vanity?

Discreet & Confidential

Workouts and Training that can take place anywhere

We need no equipment - your body in various different positions can stimulate every single muscle in the body to grow stronger. However if we happen to be in a room that does have anything suitable we can use whatever may help us. When the exercise is kept basic it is ideal for many reasons:

  • we focus upon the effect the exercise is having upon your body - not machine settings.
  • greater focus, gives greater stimulus and greater results.
  • no distractions from gadgets allows your mind to really focus upon the exercise and the effect upon your body.
  • you will have a workout that can be carried out anywhere, as it is dependent upon nothing but enthusiasm.