Alternative: Personal 1:1 Erection Training  

champagne bottle in place of mans erection, fizzing
man in field with trousers down but text overlay to cover penis


Coaching for how you feel as a man, maybe it all starts and possibly ends with your penis.. or does it? Have you ever really been totally uninhibited and proud of your Male Identity?

erection is visible under clothes due to transparency

Overcome ED or See How Hard you can be.

Coaching in physical and psychological to overcome a whole range of erection issues – drawing upon my medical background as required – with a hint of something else, as you may require for greater fulfilment.

naked man with an expression, as text and shaded area cover his erection, it's shadow still visible

Hi, I'm Coach Harper, here to personally train you to Gain Control over your penis tumescence for fulfilment, to enrich your life with new found Penis Attitude and HARDer future erections. If you would like to know more please just contact me or visit my new Erection Training website that is replacing this site. 

The details on the page below are no longer available

 I now specialise in Erection Training Only and if you're interested would be glad to tell you more about is.

Improve Your Sleep - gets you fitter than the gym?

male coach logo in style of vitruvian man

An extra hour in bed could perhaps be better for you than getting up early to go to the gym?


..a complex one to answer - as it involves such things as brain plasticity and hormones - and is very individual, so if you'd like some ideas of how you can train smart - (with the wider picture) please get in touch.

An Improvement in Your Sleep

When we are sleep deprived we are more likely to make unhealthy choices in our day, by choosing the wrong food, choosing to take the car rather than walking, or to make an excuse not to exercise. If this just happens now and again the effects are minimal, but if it becomes the norm it can have a profound effect upon our long term health. As well as effecting our mind and motivation, sleep also has a profound effect upon our physical health. Just one example is how sleep is needed to help regulate hormones which in turn help many of the body's processes including erection quality and so we go full circle!

Choosing a Training Type

There are three different training options for you

Choose a different Improvement

About Support

I'm always there to support you whatever training type –  assisting you in making all those small changes that every day add up to make quite a difference.